
Masculinity, fascism, and the green revolution

What happened in Germany in the 1930s can be viewed through a purely economic lens. Germany had lost the first World War, been economically hamstrung by the Treaty of Versailles, and famously, inflation was so rampant that children needed to truck dollar bills in a wheelbarrow to purchase a loaf of bread. When Adolf Hitler… Continue reading Masculinity, fascism, and the green revolution


The Russian doll schema that is inner child work

In inner child work, the therapeutic subject visits and comforts earlier versions of themselves at unique and pivotal stress points. At each of these points, the subject gives to their earlier self the care and understanding they did not receive at the time, a process which gradually quells latent feelings such as anxiety, anger, confusion,… Continue reading The Russian doll schema that is inner child work


My content-producing seatmate

My seatmate on a five-hour flight home from Hawaii was perhaps the most extreme person I have ever met: a porn producer covered head to toe in tattoos and with a serious addiction to drugs. Yes, you read that correctly. As the influx of passengers slowed to a trickle, I coveted the empty middle seat… Continue reading My content-producing seatmate


Subjectivity, objectivity, stillness

Long before I was an undergraduate, there has been an adage in the humanities and social sciences that “everything is subjective,” or that “objectivity is a myth.” These statements hail from quantum physics’ discovery in the 1920s that the observer’s mere inclusion in an experiment influences that experiment, which is to say that detached observation… Continue reading Subjectivity, objectivity, stillness

essays, Pedagogy

Reincarnation as educational heuristic

Reincarnation is a built-in education modality. According to reincarnation, individual souls populate the world in successive, incremental incarnations, learning or failing to learn lessons each time. Associated concepts include karma (often translated as fate or destiny), dharma (vocation or purpose), and the ultimate goal is to “graduate” from the system such that one no longer… Continue reading Reincarnation as educational heuristic